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Business Business setup
Finding the Right POS System for Your Business

As accounting specialists, we understand the importance of efficient financial and operational management for businesses. A well-chosen Point of Sale (POS) system not only streamlines transactions but also integrates seamlessly with accounting software ensuring accurate financial records.

Business setup Legal Tax
Understanding Land Rights & Regulations in Bali

Equip yourself with the knowledge needed to make informed investment decisions and protect your real estate investments in Bali. This guide provides a detailed overview of the four main types of land rights in Indonesia, zoning regulations in Bali, and a resource for checking zoning regulations in the Badung Regency of Bali.

Business Business setup
Key Considerations for Employing People in Indonesia

Understanding Indonesian labour laws is crucial for entrepreneurs looking to hire in Indonesia. In this article, we outline the key considerations employers must take into account. Stay informed and compliant to ensure a smooth hiring process and maintain legal integrity.

Business Business setup Legal Tax Tax
Corporate Income Tax (CIT) in Indonesia

In Indonesia, taxes for corporations follow a similar approach than other countries around the world. However, in order to incentivize and support entrepreneurs and the creation of new businesses, the Indonesian government provides significant advantages and benefits...

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